Pasadena Bridge Club Logo

Learn and Play Bridge!


Bridge Club



ABTA Master Teacher

649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457

Spring Bridge Courses

Courses in the Bridge Basics series are continuing on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings, and I'm starting a very special class for intermediate players on Two Over One Game Force on Saturday mornings.

And be sure to scroll down for an upcoming special event!

You can save a seat in any course by simply replying to this email, or use the enrollment form on the web site.

Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding

This course is dynamite for players at almost all levels. It's especially valuable for learning to compete in the auction at duplicate bridge games.

You'll learn ways to not only find productive contracts for your side, but also make it more difficult for the opponents to land in their best contract!

Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions

Bridge players everywhere need a few basic conventions to get the most out of the game. This class covers the Stayman convention, Jacoby Transfer Bids, Strong Two-club Openings, and slam bidding with Blackwood.

Two Over One Game Force

  • Saturday mornings, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • Starts April 8 for five Saturdays (Skipping April 15)
  • $120 includes text book
  • More details and lesson plan

Two Over One Game Force (abbreviated 2/1GF) is by far the most successful and popular modern bidding system for club and tournament players.

2/1GF is not a convention, but a slight adjustment to Standard American that improves your ability to land in the correct game contract, plus explore good slams, while avoiding bad ones.

The text is the awarding book by Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell.

Social / Supervised Play Sessions

I currently have sessions on the calendar for unstructured social bridge games on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m., and Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m.

You're also invited to join us on Thursdays at Noon for an official game, Novice Pairs. If we have at least eight players (two tables) we'll play twelve boards for masterpoints!

And Save the Date

Sunday May 14 is Mother's Day, but it's also the day for a full-day bridge seminar with author, teacher, champion player, and one of my mentors, Robert Todd. His seminars are always entertaining, and fascinating for bridge players from newcomers to experts.

More details to come soon!

And the next iteration of Bridge Basics 1 - An Introduction will begin on Saturday mornings, May 20, 9:30 a.m. Pass the word to your friends itching to learn to play!

Best regards,