649 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457
It's been an amazing December at the bridge
club. Just today we had 13 tables for a regular
Tuesday club game, after 9 tables for the Monday
This is the second week of the Gold for Good
event. I think several of our players scored a
little gold over the week.
The unit also hosted a splendid holiday party
with 13 tables of open players and five tables
of newer players, many attending their first
ever event like that one.
New Year's Eve Teams
This is a very different bridge club from the
one last New Year's Eve, when we had eight teams
compete in a Swiss Team tournament. About half
of the teams were new players in their first
ever team tournament. There were very few
experienced players.
I've set the "Eight is enough" points to try
and make sure that our newer bridge players get
an opportunity to team with an experienced pair.
(Unlike the "over/under" game, you can pick your
own partner and play with a friendly face across
the table.)
Here's how it goes. Each player is assigned a
number of points based on their current
masterpoint holding. Here's how the points are
- 3 points: Players over 1,000 masterpoints
- 2 points: Players from 200 - 1,000
- 1 point: Players with fewer than 200
Each team of four players (two partnerships)
should have fewer than eight points.
If we can't make teams from this group, we
might have to bend a little here and there, but
I think it will work out.
You don't have to form a team yourself,
although you may. If you have a partnership that
would like to play, or are a single looking for
a team, Zachary and I will do our best to put
together teammates. You can sign up on RSVP as a
pair or even an individual looking for a team,
or drop me a
note and I'll add you to the list.
This will be a wine and cheese New Year's Eve
party. We'll start about 12:00 Noon (actually
11:59 AM so it will be a "morning" game by the
ACBL). Swiss Teams takes a bit longer to play,
but it includes plenty of social time. We should
be finished by 4:30 at the latest.
Kantar Declaring Classes
The last two of the Kantar classes are
Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Each class
stands alone, and are $25 each. We had three
tables or more for each class last week, and the
"aha!" moments were precious. This week:
- Wed Dec 18: The avoidance play
- Thu Dec 19: Ducking plays at suit contracts
Doors open at 6:30, and class starts at 7:00.
If you're not on the list and planning to come,
let me know.
Coming up ...
Two great courses in January! "Play of the
Deal," Audrey Grant's newest addition to the
Bridge Basics series on Wednesday evenings.
Thursday will be "Competitive Bidding," probably
the most effective course in the catalog to
improve you're score at the club games. Reserve
your seat in either class.
The next Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction course
will be on Thursday evenings starting April 3.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary