Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
This past week was our first seven-day active week for the bridge club.
It capped off with a two-section double game on Saturday afternoon: five
tables in the 299er pair game, and seven tables in the Open Pairs. Then
we hosted a great 12-table Unit Game on Sunday.
Our club is becoming a "destination" bridge club, with players traveling
quite a distance to enjoy the view of Mt. Wilson and play bridge.
Royal STaC This Week
All games except the Tuesday evening game will be Royal STaC games.
Sectional rated, big field (most of the western US), and all awards are
25% black, 25% red, 25% silver, and 25% gold masterpoints. Card fee will
be $11 to cover a portion of the extra sanction fee.
With two games on Saturday afternoon, we *may well reach capacity* at
the club. Please reserve your seat, and be sure to let me know if you're
signing up for the 299er game or Open game.
New Courses Next Week
Three great courses will be starting next week. Each course runs for six
sessions, and the course fee ($115) includes a great textbook.
Click on the course name for a full description and lesson plan:
* Wednesday, May 15, 7:00 PM *Introduction to Declarer Play*
* Thursday, May 16, 7:00 PM *Two Over One Game Force*
* Saturday, May 18, 9:30 AM *Bridge Bascis 2 - Competitive Bidding*
The Two Over One Game Force course, besides supercharging your bidding,
is one of the *best courses for play-of-the-hand* problems you'll find.
(These will be our last courses at the club until August 1.)
Open on the Bridgemate App
Let's try something different! There's a phone app, the Bridgemate App,
that will let you follow your progress and results /during a game/ at
the bridge club!
We normally don't post interim results at the table, but if you'd like
to know how you're doing in the game this is the way to do it.
I've started a page with explanation links: If you'd like to try it
and need help, let me know.
Classes this coming week
Classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for a full course.
This week all of our classes are playing *practice hands* that are
relevant to the course topic. This is a great way to brush up on
relevant skills, and have fun playing hands in a class context!
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday (4/24), 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions/
* Thursday (4/25), 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Doubles/
* Saturday (4/26), 9:30 AM, /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/
Coming up ...
The first week of July is the annual Long Beach Regional. We have to
decide what games we should offer that week! If you'd like to play
bridge at the club during the first week of July, would you let me or
Zachary know?
Finally, it's fun to see this photo of the club display with the seating
chart for the Saturday afternoon game!
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
A lot of folks won a little gold, and supported ACBL Charities this past
For the ACBL-wide Charity Pairs on Wednesday, each district awarded five
overall places. Our own *John Barrow* and *Sherry Hansen* placed 3rd in
District 23 for a nice chunk of points!
Friday and Saturday Open Pairs
This week marks the inaugural games on Friday and Saturday:
* Friday Open Pairs 11:00 AM
* Saturday Open Pairs 1:00 PM
Note that the Saturday game will be two sections -- two games playing
simultaneously. The Open Pairs game will be held along with a 299er game
(limited to players under 300 masterpoints).
The bridge club could possibly be very full on a Saturday afternoon!
Reservations will be important.
These new games /will not appear in your calendar/ on RSVPBridge until
you *add yourself to the "group"* for each of the games. To do that:
* Log in to
* Click on "My Clubs" in the top ribbon
* You'll see a list of the groups you belong to, and "Would you like
to join any of these groups?"
* Click on the groups you'd like to join, such as Open Fri AM, or Open
Sat PM, and click the "Join" button
When you're a member of a group, you'll get an email with reminders of
the game. Each game will appear in your top calendar, and you can see
who has already signed up to play.
Is that the right score?
Last week we had a little rash of score corrections discovered only
after the game was long over!
It's good to know that each game has a 24-hour period when score
mistakes can be corrected and the game results adjusted, but no one
really wants to see that happen very often!
There are two important things you can do to help prevent scoring mistakes:
1. Keep a private written copy of your results. Use the back of a
convention card to make note of the contract, declarer, and results
for each board.
2. Carefully check the board results entered into the Bridgemate! When
North passes you the Bridgemate to verify a result, check to see
that it has:
1. The right board number
2. The right contract
3. The right declarer
4. The right result
If the wrong information is there, the "Cancel" button on the Bridgemate
acts as a "backspace" to back up and fix the result.
Classes this coming week
Classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for a full course.
This week and next, all of our classes are playing *practice hands* that
are relevant to the course topic. This is a great way to brush up on
relevant skills, and have fun playing hands in a class context!
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday (4/24), 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions/
* Thursday (4/25), 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Doubles/
* Saturday (4/26), 9:30 AM, /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/
Coming up ...
Royal STaC week! May 6-12. All games will award Sectional rated
masterpoints. The awards will be 25% black, 25% silver, 25% black, and
25% gold.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
We've been having to make a lot of adjustments!
We're ready to start having a two-section game on Saturday afternoons
starting *May 4*. That means we'll actually be running two games at 1:00
PM, one for players with fewer than 300 masterpoints, and another open
to everyone.
With the two games in session, the club will be pretty full. It becomes
impossible to have the workshops in the format I've been having them.
Those workshops are one of my favorite features at the club, so I'm
determined to find another way to offer fun, short single-topic learning
Several years ago there was a very big novice game on Saturdays at 10:00
AM at the Arcadia Bridge Center, preceded by a chalk talk. That might
still be an attractive time for our students and new players to come play.
I just started a new Bridge Basics series on Saturday mornings. At the
conclusion of this series, in a few months, it's worth asking if maybe a
Saturday morning "workshop and game" would have interest.
Let me know what you think!
Also starting *May 3*, we're going to add Fridays at 11:00 AM, for a
full week of Open Pairs games. More about that next week!
ACBL-wide Charity Pairs Wednesday
The ACBL-wide Charity Pairs is a very special game! We'll be playing the
same hands as clubs all over North America, and results will be pooled
for some potentially huge masterpoint awards.
The game includes a handout with analysis of every hand. I'll have the
analysis available on the web site after the results are posted late
Wednesday afternoon.
This is a fund-raising event for ACBL Charities, and we'll be paying an
extra $7.50/table sanction fee. So the card fee for this game will be $12.
Stardust games Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
These special games have bigger awards, and 25% of the award will be
coveted *gold masterpoints* that are normally only available at regional
or national tournaments. To achieve the rank of Life Master, you have to
win at least 50 gold points.
The sanction fee for this game is $2/player, so we'll kick in $1, and
the card fee will be $11.
Classes this coming week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday (4/24), 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Competitive Bidding/
"Slam bidding and Blackwood" (practice session on Saturday morning
with Jane and Michael too!)
* Thursday (4/25), 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Doubles/
"Balancing and other doubles"
* Saturday (4/26), 9:30 AM, /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ "Minor
Suit Openings and Responses"
Tomorrow will be our next to last Saturday afternoon workshop, at least
in its current format!
This week on Saturday (tomorrow), let's talk about *what can go wrong at
the table* while playing, how the Laws of Bridge apply, and how the
tournament director applies the Laws.
This should be a special workshop! Bring your questions, and let me help
eliminate any fear of calling the director when something goes wrong.
Coming up ...
Coming up the week of May 6 through May 12, we'll be hosting "Royal
STaC" games, where players can earn a bit piece of all the colors. :)
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
It's been an amazing first week of nearly full-time operation of the
bridge club. Zachary and I are getting into a new rhythm, and things are
working out nicely.
For yesterday's game, Jane brought a few eclipse glasses, and everyone
had a view of the 50% eclipse even from inside the club.
Online Community Games
The ACBL is hosting online bridge games that include some themed hands
and a lesson after. The games are limited to players with fewer than 20
masterpoints, and are held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00 PM Pacific
time. (They have other games, but Tuesday and Thursday features the free
The games are 12 boards, about an hour and a half, and the lesson after
is on Zoom.
If you join the game today or Thursday, I'll be the guest instructor,
filling in for Linda Green.
Here's where you can learn more:
Robert Todd Seminar
Robert ToddSunday, April 14, join us for a full day with entertaining
teacher and player Robert Todd. Robert's seminars are dynamite for
experienced and newer players alike. He teaches how to think about
bridge, not just rules to memorize.
* 9:00 AM Modern Preempts
* 1:00 PM Defensive Tools
Spend the day with us for $85. Save your seat at this link
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Competitive Bidding/ "Jacoby
Transfer Bids" (practice session on Saturday morning with Jane and
Michael too!)
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Doubles/ "Advancing
Partner's Double"
* Saturday, 9:30 AM, /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ "Opening 1NT
Bids and Responses"
For the Saturday morning workshop, let's spend some time studying
matchpoint scoring. Come practice and understand the scores on the
results better.
Coming up ...
We're planning to add Friday Open Pairs at 11:00 starting in May, and a
Saturday Open Pairs section at 1:00 alongside the Saturday
novice/intermediate game. We probably have to drop the workshop part of
that session, and find another way to offer that. It's a work in progress!
Coming up the week of May 6 through May 12, we'll be hosting "Royal
STaC" games, where players can earn a tiny piece of all the colors. :)
And the Sunday Unit Games are at the Pasadena Bridge Club, both Sundays.
The next one is April 21.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
This Saturday morning at 9:30 I'm expecting 26 students for my next
series of /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/.
If you have taken the class recently, and would like to see the material
again, I'd love to have two or three volunteers to be "TAs." The main
job is to be a 4th at a table, and I may not need everyone who comes to
help, so you might be just hanging out. :)
The class runs for six Saturday mornings.
Interested? Drop me a note!
Best regards,
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
With the imminent closing of the Arcadia Bridge Center, a lot of players
who live to the east of Arcadia have a difficult time in the I-210
traffic to Pasadena.
Besides the possibility of someone opening a club or at least a weekly
game in that part of the town, you should know that Tom Lill has a
splendid pair of games at La Fetra in Glendora: Tuesday and Friday
mornings at 8:45 AM.
It's a lovely location and I've enjoyed playing in his games. Give it a
spin! Drop Tom a note at thomasmlill8(a)
Robert Todd Seminar
Robert ToddSunday, April 14, join us for a full day with entertaining
bridge player and teacher Robert Todd. Robert's seminars are dynamite
for experienced and newer players alike. He teaches how to think about
bridge, not just rules to memorize.
* 9:00 AM Modern Preempts
* 1:00 PM Defensive Tools
Spend the day with us for $85. Save your seat at this link
New Courses Starting
Three great new bridge courses are starting this week. Each one is six
classes long and comes with a splendid textbook:
* Wednesday 7:00 PM, Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions
* Thursday 7:00 PM, Improving Your Judgment - Doubles
* Saturday 9:30 AM, Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
Enroll in any of the classes at this link
Bridge Basics 1 has 20 students enrolled right now, with a limit of 28.
Sign up through PCC Extension at this link
"Can't see new games on RSVP!"
All of my players on RSVP Bridge are members of "groups" that correspond
to each weekly game or class at the bridge club. When you visit RSVP,
the only events you see on the calendar are of groups you belong to.
When you play in a game for the first time, I automatically add you to
the group for that game. The group members can see who is signed up to
play, reserve seats for future games, and get a reminder email before
each game.
To join games you would like to hear about:
* Click and Login
* Click "My Clubs" in the top row
* See all the groups available, and see "Would you like to join any of
these groups?"
When you add new games such as Monday or Tuesday Open Pairs, they appear
in your calendar.
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Competitive Bidding/ "The
Stayman Convention"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Doubles/ "The Takeout
* Saturday, 9:30 AM, /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ "Introduction"
This Saturday afternoon I thought it might be a good idea to go over the
Convention Card. I will discuss how it's organized, how to read one, and
how to create one with your partner.
Saturday morning we're inviting our Bridge Basics 3 students to come
hang out and practice the Stayman Convention, or shuffle and deal hands!
Feel free to join us at 9:30. Come practice with Jane Winer and Michael
Blottin in the Knowles Memorial Bridge Classroom.
Support for Kelsey
Kelsey McRaeMy new bridge player and student Kelsey McRae was diagnosed
with stage 2 breast cancer this past February. She's doing well and
recovering now from a double mastectomy and reconstruction.
Her friends have set up a GoFundMe page
and I was happy to offer some support. If you'd like to as well, give it
a click! Help get Kelsey back to the bridge table soon.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
This spring features more great bridge courses at the beautiful Pasadena
Bridge Club.
Special! Robert Todd Day
Robert is one of my mentors, and one of the most engaging and
understandable teachers of the game. Rather than teaching endless
conventions, he concentrates on how to think, evaluate, and strategize
at the bridge table.
Recommended for novice and highly skilled players alike!
* April 14, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
* $85 for the full day
* Morning session: *Modern Preempts*
* Afternoon session: *Defensive Tools*
* Reserve your seat here
Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions
This is the third course in Audrey Grant's Bridge Basics series, and
introduces the most popular and useful bidding conventions for playing
bridge at any level: Stayman, Jacoby Transfer Bids, strong hand
openings, and slam bidding.
* Six Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting April 3.
* $115 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Improving Your Judgment - Doubles
The takeout double is arguably the most powerful and useful call in
bridge. Let's take some time to dig into takeout doubles in detail,
including responding to (advancing) your partner's double, and doubler's
next actions.
We'll look at edge cases where you can use a double (or perhaps
shouldn't!). And as with all of our classes, it comes with great hands
to practice declaring and defending.
* Six Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting April 4.
* $115 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
Take it for your first time, or revisit again! There's no better class
for learning or reviewing the fundamentals of bridge.
We start with the play of the hand. After working out how tricks can be
won by declarer, we study hands to discover HOW HIGH and WHERE a hand
should be played, and learn the language of Standard American bidding to
reach the best contract.
Only a handful of seats remain! Sign up with PCC Extension soon to save
* Six Saturday mornings, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, starting April 6.
* Full description and lesson plan
* Register here with PCC Extension
Games for players of all levels
If you're just getting started, drop in for Office Hours to meet friends
and play casual bridge, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
Join our weekly Social Bridge session on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM,
and test your skill against hands played in the huge open game on
Wednesdays. Experienced players on hand to answer questions and help
with bidding and play problems.
Discover the challenges of duplicate bridge with our weekly Novice Pairs
game on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM.
Join us on Saturdays at 1:00 for the weekly "Workshop and Game" at 1:00
PM for a 30-minute bridge topic followed by a duplicate game for
novice/intermediate players.
/Play fearlessly/ and join our newly-expanded schedule of Open Pairs
games, Monday through Thursday at 11:00 AM — three hours of competitive
bridge with some of the best players in Southern California.
Come learn and play bridge!
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Most of you have heard that the Arcadia Bridge Center will be closing
shop soon, after 55 years nurturing bridge here in the San Gabriel Valley.
Zachary and I will do our best to offer games when everyone wants to
play, starting with Monday and Tuesday. We're working on plans for
Friday and Saturday in the near future.
I know for many players it will be an extra trek to get to Pasadena.
Maybe someone will consider opening another weekly game closer to
Arcadia or Duarte. There's plenty of room to grow bridge!
New games Monday, Tuesday 11:00 AM
Zachary will be directing on Monday and Tuesday at 11:00, starting right
away! April 1 will be our first game.
We'll play The Common Game <> hands, with hand
records and Bridgemate scoring. We'll plan to offer as many of the
special games as possible, including STaC, fund raisers, instant
matchpoint games, club championships, and NAP Qualifiers.
Our weekday start time is designed to get people on the road before
I-210 gets too awfully busy.
Add yourself to RSVP Groups
The reservation system on RSVP Bridge is designed with weekly games and
classes as "groups" of regular players and students.
When you add yourself as a group member, the weekly games will appear on
your RSVP calendar, and other players will be able to invite you to
play. You'll be able to see who has signed up to play, and you'll get a
weekly reminder email.
Once you let me know that you'd like to play, I create an account for
you on RSVPBridge. You can log in and change your profile.
Here's how to add the games you would like to follow:
* Log in to
* In the top bar, look for "My Clubs"
* Under Pasadena Bridge Club, you'll see the groups where you're
already a member
* Click additional groups you'd like to follow, and click the "Join"
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
This week features some great practice hands around each course topic —
well worth your time!
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding/
"Practice Hands"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Opening the Biddin/g
"Practice Hands"
The workshop this Saturday will continue the Defensive Signals series
with "Suit Preference Signals."
Saturday morning we're inviting our Bridge Basics 2 students to come
hang out and practice competitive bidding. Feel free to join us at 9:30.
Come practice with Jane Winer and Michael Blottin.
Coming up ...
Our next *Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction* course will be on Saturday
mornings starting April 6. The course is live on the PCC Extension
web site now and available for registrations. (17 students already
Robert Todd is returning to the Pasadena Bridge Club on *Sunday, April
14*, for a one-day seminar. We have topics and will be taking
reservations for the seminar soon! I'll be posting a flier on the
bulletin board at the club.
Three great classes will be starting up in the first week of April:
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction,
Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions
<>, and
Improving Your Judgment - Doubles
<>. I'll announce the
full schedule to my "classes" email list very soon. You can sign
yourself up <>
for any of the classes now.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
I played my first duplicate bridge game in 1991 at the San Jose Bridge
Club. We traveled to Bakersfield to attend a regional tournament. I
played in newcomer events, and kibitzed the pros during morning knockouts.
While practicing bidding, play, and defense, I became fascinated with
the mechanics of running a bridge game. I would follow how the boards
and players moved. Once I discovered how team games worked, I started
hosting two- and three-table bridge parties at home. I purchased a copy
of the Laws of Duplicate Bridge and read through it. (Well worth doing —
download it from free
Does this sound anything like your own experience with the game? *Bridge
needs directors*, and there are opportunities at all levels. *We need
apprentices* to become game directors at our bridge club. Besides bridge
skills, you need to be good with Windows computers, and have an
excellent attitude for customer service. Talk to me. /There is no
masterpoint requirement for being a club director! (I had about 100 when
I started.)/
Silver Point Week
Three or four times a year, various districts in the ACBL put together a
Sectional Tournament at Clubs (STaC). This one is sponsored by district
22 (Southern California except Los Angeles) and district 23 (Los Angeles
Participating clubs will all be playing the same hands, and results from
games in each session will be combined to produce overall results.
At our club, we'll have Open Pairs STaC games on Wednesday and Thursday
at 11:00 AM. The stratification is 0pen/2500/750.
On Saturday we'll have a STaC game at 1:00 PM, limited to players with
fewer than 750 points, and stratification of 750/500/200.
*Games at the club are limited 16 tables*, and the Wednesday game might
well approach that. I recommend making your reservation sooner rather
than later!
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
This week features some great practice hands around each course topic —
well worth your time!
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding/
"Practice Hands"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Opening the Biddin/g
"Practice Hands"
* Saturday, 9:30 AM, /Two Over One Game Force/, "Practice hands"
No workshop this Saturday — we'll play a 21 board STaC game. Bring your
new skillz to the game for some silver points!
Coming up ...
Our next *Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction* course will be on Saturday
mornings starting April 6. The course is live on the PCC Extension
web site now and available for registrations. (17 students already
*Save the date!* Robert Todd is returning to the Pasadena Bridge Club on
*Sunday, April 14*, for a one-day seminar. Robert is one of my idols as
a bridge teacher and player.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
It's the time of year when the evening games and classes almost start in
some twilight, and soon full daylight. Sunset this evening is at 6:58 PM.
Soon the sun will be moving further north, and I'll have to start making
use of the blinds on the big windows to block the direct sunlight.
Our new sign will have fewer hours of visibility, but I'm still
delighted with its presence in the early evening hours.
Grand National Teams
The district final for the Grand National Teams will be held on April
13-14 at the Long Beach Bridge Club.
This is your chance to earn a seat at the GNT national finals in July in
Toronto! There are four flights:
* Championship: Open to anyone
* Flight A: Limited to 6000 masterpoints
* Flight B: Limited to 2500 masterpoints
* Flight C: Limited to non-Life Masters with fewer than 500 masterpoints
No club qualifier is required! Get your team together and make plans to
compete. Drop me a note if you'd like more information, or help putting
together a team for the event.
Oh, snap!
True or false: A card is not considered "played" until it has been
snapped against the table.
Well clearly, that's a false statement, because it's not necessary to
snap a card on the table at all! It's actually much more pleasant to
simply drop or place a card (including the bidding cards) on the table.
Our lovely green felt tables give the card a nice gentle fall.
I think snapping the cards on the table may provide some satisfaction, a
little like popping bubble wrap. But there's no reason to do it
otherwise, and it's really pleasant to not hear card snaps around the
room. If it's something you never thought about, try taking up the
challenge of not snapping.
By the way, when /is/ a card considered "played?" The answer is
different for declarer and defenders! Have a look at the /Laws of
Duplicate Bridge
and check Law 45 C. (The whole short book is worth a read!)
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
*Mojo's pick for this week*: "The Competitive Auction" on Wednesday
evening. Pick up some more tips on using the Law of Total Tricks and
Negative Doubles.
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding/ "The
competitive auction"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Improving Your Judgment - Opening the Biddin/g
"Strong opening bids"
* Saturday, 9:30 AM, /Two Over One Game Force/, "Practice hands"
For this week's Saturday Afternoon "Workshop and Game" we'll talk about
"Defensive Carding: Count Signals."
Note that next Saturday afternoon's game (March 23) will be a 0-750
silver point game.
Coming up ...
*Silver point games*: Districts 22 and 23 are sponsoring a Sectional
Tournament at Clubs during the week of March 18-24. We'll hold games at
the bridge club on Wednesday and Thursday, plus a limited 0-750 game on
Saturday of that week.
Our next *Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction* course will be on Saturday
mornings starting April 6. The course is live on the PCC Extension
web site now and available for registrations. (16 students already
*Save the date!* Robert Todd is returning to the Pasadena Bridge Club on
*Sunday, April 14*, for a one-day seminar. Robert is one of my idols as
a bridge teacher and player.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary